Diaper Drive During Lent
Posted 02/26/2025 by The Rev. Dr. Stephen H. Applegate

Lent begins in just a few days on Ash Wednesday, March 5. The traditional spiritual practices for Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. St. Paul’s is offering a twist on almsgiving this year – we’re recommending diaper giving!
AMIS (Americans Making Immigrants Safe) is holding a diaper drive for the families they work with and other organizations that work with refugees and asylum seekers. Immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers have been one group of people most affected by recent changes in government policies.
So, let’s see how many disposable diapers we can gather between Ash Wednesday and Easter (April 20)! All sizes are needed, but clients of AMIS especially need newborn and size 7. Any kind of disposable diaper is welcome, including compostable diapers.
Or, if it’s easier to make a monetary donation, simply write a check to St. Paul’s and put “diapers” in the memo line. For reference, a large pack of a popular brand of baby diapers costs about $55.
Look for collection containers in the Narthex (entryway) on Sundays, or drop your donation off at the Parish Office on weekdays between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
If you have questions or want more information, please email Jennie Kaffen at [email protected].
Tags: News / Outreach at St. Paul's / Lent