A Case For Love

Thursday, January 18, 2024, 8:32 PM
In a world often clouded by division and discord, we invite you to join us for a one-night-only transformative experience on January 23 for the exclusive premiere of A Case for Love. This feature-length documentary, inspired by the profound teachings of our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, embarks on an enlightening exploration: Can unselfish love serve as the healing force needed to mend our fractured society? Through poignant interviews and narratives, we encounter stories of compassion, empathy, and the unifying potential of unselfish love across our country. Bring a friend and join the St. Paul’s community at the Cinemark Valley View theatre at either 4 or 7 p.m. Feel free to purchase tickets online or at the theater. Rev. Jeanne will be in attendance – for further questions, send her an email.